Sunday, 21 September 2008

Autumn tanka

Wild, wild fuchsia

in mellow autumn sunlight

lures work-loving bees

to suck from purple cups, chant

in muted chorus


SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for sharing this with OSI, Carol! I love the hypnotizing effect of fuscia!

anthonynorth said...

This seemed like a true communion with nature.
Enjoyed it.

Julie said...

Your verse has a nice lilt to it. The sound of the bees is a lovely image to introduce

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Oh, fuchsia are one of my most favorite potted flowers.
Your imagery of little worker bees sucking from purple cups is excellent. Lovely poem.


susan said...

Arggg, what I wanted to say has been said. Thanks for the read. :-)

Raven said...

Having been a city girl most of my life, I have only recently become conscious of all the growth an life that still abounds even as autumn unleaves the trees. Lovely reminder of the life that still buzzes along even as the season changes.

Geraldine said...

this is such an interesting and intriguing take on this prompt Carole. Really enjoyed reading this work, well done!!! Glad to see you at OSI, one of my fav prompt sites.

Hugs, G

Deborah Godin said...

Very tender and endearing, like a benediction from MIther Nature herself.

zoya gautam said...

..language is for communication.poetry is the celebration of language.many thanks for a nice poem..

Tumblewords: said...

So lyrical! Lovely!

carole said...

The fuchsia is outside my back door. It's a big, old bush, which I cut back last year. This year, as with everything else in my garden, the combination of sun and rain, has produced amazing growth.

I had bees' honeycomb in my compost bin. I was going to write about my virginia creeper, which always produces lovely autumn colours, but I was drawn by the sound of the bees, and watched, fascinated, as they sqeezed into the cups.

qualcosa di bello said...

is there anything more mesmerizing that the 'mellow autumn sunlight' you describe...

Teri said...

Great images with the fuschia and sucking bees.

Kamsin said...

You had honeycomb in the compost?!! Did you eat any of the honey?!! This is indeed a reminder of home where there are always lots of flowers and greenery. I had to go looking to find flowers to photograph here! And the insects are all much louder and scarier than bees!

carole said...

It was a long time before I ventured near enough to discover the honeycomb which was all comb and no honey! The air was thick with bees above the compost bin one day and I didn't dare to go outside as I wasn't sure that they weren't wasps. Another day they all gathered on a branch of the fuchsia and I was worried because baby Noah was coming. However, I'm sure the insects in Japan are much scarier.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Beautiful fuchsia, I like the chanting of the bees too

Jan said...

Loved this coulourful piece..